Re-Defining FREEDOM.

What is Freedom?

Freedom is absolute limitlessness in all things. It’s the version of yourself you know you can be, that you see when you close your eyes. It’s the you that you have the audacity to work towards because you know you can. It’s how you choose to show up as yourself in this life, every day.

It is an unwavering belief that your dreams can become your reality.

It is peace, joy, contentment, fulfilment, and connection.

It’s when you press pause on all the things that are holding you back and you give yourself permission to open up that box of limitless potential.

How to re-define it

Close your eyes, take four deep belly breaths.

Let your mind wander. In the distance you see a cinema screen. Playing, is a movie depicting your life as you envision it in a year, three years.

Free your mind of anything that’s currently holding you back - any hurdles, blockers, fears, limiting beliefs, assumptions and set backs. If you could create a movie of your life, what would it look and feel like? Who would be in it? Where would you be? What are the colours, tastes and smells?

Visualise your future life as if anything is possible. No vision is too big or too ridiculous. Take note of how you feel as you imagine this free life you want to create for yourself.

If it’s real in your mind, you can make it come to fruition in real life. Want to find out how?